Canadian hardwoods include a variety of species, each with its own unique combination of properties supplied as sawn boards and value-added products. Further information and discussion relating to the use of hardwoods appears at
White ash – A wood that varies in colour, from light creamy white to dark brown, with coarse-textured open-grain pattern, and a combination of properties that make it suitable for furniture, flooring, tool handles, mouldings and sporting goods.
Aspen – A soft hardwood that appears in shades of creamy white to brown colour, with close textured grain, and working properties that make it a choice material for mouldings, caskets and toys.
Basswood – A soft hardwood that ranges in colour from light creamy white to yellowish-brown with darker streaks, it is close textured, and common applications include for mouldings, toys, carvings, picture frames and Venetian blinds.
Beech – The wood is light to reddish-brown, has a close-textured straight to interlocked grain pattern, with properties that make it popular for use in furniture, flooring, mouldings, sporting goods and turnery.
White birch – Of creamy white to pale brown appearance, with a close and uniform grain, endowed with a combination of properties that make it suitable for furniture, flooring, mouldings, turnery and ice-cream sticks!
Yellow birch – With a creamy-white to light-yellow sapwood and reddish-brown heartwood, the material is endowed with consistently good overall performance characteristics that make it ideal for furniture, flooring, mouldings, cabinetry, dowels, and turnery.
Cherry – The wood is frequently chosen for its red to reddish brown colours and good working properties, which make it a material of choice for use in high-end furniture, flooring, mouldings, cabinetry, and caskets.
Hard maple – An exceptionally hard wood that has a close and uniform grain, machines and polishes well. Its ivory white, greyish-brown and dark tan shades and colours contribute to the wood’s popularity for use in furniture, flooring, cabinetry, sporting goods, dowels, turnery and interior joinery.
Soft maple – Colours range from almost white to grey and pale reddish brown, with characteristic brown streaks. The close uniform grain is similar to that of hard maple, though the wood is 25% softer, causing it to be chosen for use in furniture, mouldings and cabinetry.
Red oak – The wood has a light-pink to dark reddish-brown and coarse textured appearance, it machines and nails well, and is very stable in service. It is particularly suitable for furniture, flooring, mouldings, caskets, cabinetry and turnery.
Walnut – Renowned for its medium to chocolate brown colouring, walnut is familiar to many as material used for high-end furniture, flooring, mouldings and caskets.
White oak – This oak is coloured light pink to a dark reddish-brown, has a coarse-textured open-grain pattern, is very stable and hard. It is very popular for use as furniture, flooring, mouldings, caskets, cabinetry and turnery.